What do we mean when we say our products are NUTRIENT DENSE?


A healthy diet is vital for fueling your body and mind as you move through life. Yet, even on the average diet, people do not get crucial vitamins, amino acids, minerals, and antioxidants or eat a diet full of empty calories (foods with no nutritional value). 


Focusing on eating nutrient-dense foods as part of your regular diet can contribute to your overall health and well-being. By choosing a mixture of unprocessed, nutrient-dense, whole foods, you can get everything you need to fuel your body while reaping several health benefits.


What exactly does nutrient dense mean?


Nutrient-dense foods are foods that are high in nutrients in relation to their calories. Essentially, they are foods that are lower in calories, have less sodium and added sugars, and are full of healthy nutrients. Nutrient-dense foods have more vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, carbohydrates, lean proteins, and healthy fats to create a well-balanced food.


When you consume a nutrient-dense diet, you focus more on your body's needs and consume fewer empty calories. Empty calories are foods with little to no nutritional value. While some foods may taste incredible, they don't add value to your diet. You don't have to restrict yourself entirely. You can still enjoy the foods you love. You just want to aim for more whole foods in your daily diet. 


There are numerous benefits to choosing MORE nutrient-dense foods, including:


  • Fighting off diseases
  • Promoting heart health
  • Supporting weight loss
  • Improve energy levels
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Improve blood pressure
  • Improve digestion 
  • Balance gut biome


Beef has always been the ultimate source of protein. It has become more nutrient-dense thanks to sustainable farming methods that raise animals on a true grass-fed diet rather than foods meant to bulk them up (lots of grain feed).


Grain-fed beef does not have nearly the amount of nutrients that grass-fed beef has. Cows raised on pastures using sustainable farming techniques produce leaner cuts of meat packed with nutrients. In fact, grass-fed beef has around 20% fewer calories than grain-fed beef. Yet it is a powerhouse higher in essential vitamins A, E, and B vitamins, amino acids, iron, selenium, and zinc. It's full of omega 3 fatty acids, CLAs ( a linolic acid that fights cancer and inhibits body fat.


And it's not just grass-fed beef. Regenerative chickens are raised on a pasture and rotated with other grazing animals. They are a natural, slow-growing breed that produces healthier chickens. Our chickens provide a higher level of omega-3s and have much less saturated fats than chickens you buy produced on a factory farm.  


Pigs raised in a sustainable environment in healthy conditions produce more nutrient-dense pork products. The pigs flourish as they can graze freely in open fields and eat the foods nature intended. The pork produced contains higher levels of antioxidants, omega-3s, and vitamin D.


Animals were not meant to be raised in confined spaces feeding on grains that bulk them up and make them generally unhealthy. When you humanly raise animals, eating what nature intended, free from additives and supplements, you end up with real, whole meats. More nutrient-dense cuts of meat can contribute positively to your overall health and wellness.  


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